Caroline Arnold's Books - My Books

Caroline Arnold's Books

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Wild Goat Wild Goat

Scampering across the high ledges and steep walls of their home at the Los Angeles Zoo, Daisy and Chaim seem to have no fear of high places. Their sure feet and good sense of balance enable them to move easily around their rocky enclosure.

Daisy and Chaim are Nubian ibex, a kind of wild goat native to the arid mountains and valleys of the Middle East. Although these animals breed well in zoos, hunting and overgrazing have severely reduced the number of wild goats in their native lands.

This photo essay, with 40 full-color photographs, offers a close-up look at the ibex's unique physical characteristics and describes its daily life and habits, both in captivity and in the wild. Wild Goat is a fascinating look at this surefooted and elegantly horned mountain dweller.

Book notes

Wild Goat is one of 22 titles in the series of animal books by Caroline Arnold, illustrated with photographs by Richard Hewett, published by Morrow Junior Books between 1987 and 1996.

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  • Learn how you can read this book on your computer or other digital device at StarWalk Kids Media.
  • Reviews
    School Library Journal, 1990

    A beautiful, comprehensive text describes wild goats worldwide: history, life cycle, how they differ from other animals, and conservation efforts. The photos are touching, capturing the character and magnificence of these animals; the story is further personalized by focusing on two young Nubian ibex goats at the Los Angeles Zoo. The text is clearly written with exquisite photographs.