Caroline Arnold's Books - My Books

Caroline Arnold's Books

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A Moose's World A Moose's World
Prizes and Awards
  • Children's Literature Council of Southern California Award for The Best Written and Illustrated Suite of Nonfiction for Children, 2011
  • California Collection 2010 (California Readers)
  • Children's Projects

      Moose Coloring Page A Moose's World

      Did you know that only male moose have antlers? Click here for a printable coloring page of a male moose.

    Other books about animals that live in Alaska and the far north:
  • A Polar Bear's World
  • A Walrus' World
  • A Bald Eagle's World
  • Reviews
    Feathered Quill Book Reviews, February 2010

    If you have ever been fortunate enough to see a mother moose and her calf there is no doubt, you have stood there mesmerized. The moose's habitat is in the more northerly, colder climates such as Alaska, the northern states and Canada. The mother, a cow, mates in the chill of the fall and gives birth to her calf in the spring during early May. Although the calf may seem large to us at twenty-five to thirty-five pounds it is small in comparison to its mother who can weigh up to a massive thirteen hundred pounds. Her "baby" is an eye opener to most people as it weighs "about as much as a 3-year-old child."

    The mother keeps close watch over her calf whose "short hair covers his thin body." The wobbly calf grows stronger each day it nurses, but its mother will keep him hidden from prying eyes for at least a week. The baby will continue to stay close to its mother as she searches for food because the young calf could easily be prey for a roaming bear. It this book you will learn about the moose's habitat, what they eat, the growth pattern of their calves, when they mate, you'll discover why they drop their antlers, how they survive the winter, how they can escape predators like the gray wolf, and much more! Did you know that "an adult eats an average of 44 pounds (20 kg) of food a day?" That is just one fact you will find in this amazing book!

    This book has been carefully researched and lists capable technical advisors. What I especially like about this book is that the writing is detailed without being too technical and could be easily introduced and read to the younger child much in the same way you would a picture book. Arnold's beautifully appealing collage artwork no doubt has made me a fan of hers. In the front of the book is a single page with information about the species and there are scattered informative sidebars. In the back of the book is a global map illustrating where they live, some "Moose Fun Facts," a glossary, an index and additional recommended books and internet resources (Fact Hound). This is one book in the Caroline Arnold "Animal Series," that would be an excellent read and discuss book in the homeschool or classroom setting! Reviewed by Deb Fowler,